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#日本環境教育学会 #環境教育 情報として 第53回日本水環境学会(甲府)年会、2019年3月7日(木曜日)~9日(土曜日) の情報を掲載しました。 https://t.co/PiGfSZ0YCF
#日本環境教育学会 #環境教育 情報として #日本環境教育フォーラム の教職員等環境教育・学習推進リーダー育成研修を掲載 2018年12/13、2019年2/22にオガワエコノス(広島)、2019年1/18(金)に石坂産業(埼玉) https://t.co/EmysLV6f4C
#JSFEE calls for applications for international joint research projects of environmental education (2019-2021) #ee https://t.co/xO8Vt0fjj8
#日本環境教育学会は、2019ー2020年度(2019年7月〜2021年6月)の環境教育に関する国際共同研究提案を募集します。 応募締切は2019年4月15日。学会誌の英文オンラインジャーナルで研究成果の発表を予定。 https://t.co/4CXg9tPafw
#日本環境教育学会 共催 環境教育情報として12/15日(土)・16日(日)に #法政大学 多摩キャンパス で開催される「第6回公害資料館連携フォーラム in 東京」の情報を掲載。#公害 #公害資料館 #地球環境基金助成事業 https://t.co/e4jdPKasoG


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The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Environmental Education, Tokyo 2012, has ended.

A Guide to the English Session of

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Environmental Education

To colleagues at
The Korean Society for Environmental Education
Chinese Society for Environmental Education
The North American Association for Environmental Education
Just over a year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The state of confusion in the aftermath of the tsunami and resulting accident is slowly improving, but the scale of the damage and magnitude of the accident, along with the difficulties in overcoming such disasters, are only just becoming apparent. However, interest in the events is gradually waning and many of society’s problems that were revealed in the disasters remain unchanged.

Amid this, the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Environmental Education will be held at Rikkyo University in Tokyo in August this year. This meeting will include the establishment of the first ever English Session in the history of the meeting, and is aimed at members of the Korean Society for Environmental Education, the Chinese Society for Environmental Education and the North American Association for Environmental Education, who have established a Memorandum of Understanding, as well as the members of this society involved in research and practical activities in Japan.

As the number of international exchange projects involving the society’s board of directors expands and develops, and the number of overseas participants is expected to increase in the future, an English Session will be held on the 2nd day of the meeting, with oral presentations, presentation summaries, question and answer sessions and general discussions entirely in English.

With this purpose, we hereby forward the following four documents: 1) The English edition of the outline of the meeting, 2) Items to keep in mind when applying to the English Session, 3) The English Session presentation application, and 4) The English Session overview form.

We sincerely hope you take this opportunity to visit Japan, and look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

May 2012

Japanese Society of Environmental Education 
Chair, ABE Osamu
International Exchange Committee Chair, FURIHATA Shinichi

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