The transformative power of ESD for the world beyond Covid-19

ユネスコはCovid-19後の世界を見据え、ESD for 2030にむけたオンラインのワークショップシリーズ(全7回)を2020年9月から2021年4月にかけて開催します。日付・時刻・テーマが発表されています。日本時間では水曜日の夕方から夜に当たるようです。1月はお休み。

#1: The big conversation: ESD and the world beyond Covid-19
9 September 2020 @ 12:30 GMT+2

#2: ESD in remote and digital settings: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic
14 October 2020 @ 10:00 GMT+2

#3: Youth, ESD and resilience: Empowering and mobilizing young people under crisis
11 November 2020 @ 14:00 GMT+2

#4: ESD and global health: Inter-linkage of the health of people and planet
9 December 2020 @ 12:30 GMT+2

#5: ESD and Climate Emergency: ‘Bend the curve for climate change’
10 February 2021 @ 10:00 GMT+2

#6: ESD and lifestyle: Re-designing consumption and production
10 March 2021 @ 14:00 GMT+2

#7: ESD for 2030 framework and Berlin: Time to act - Now or Never
14 April 2021 @ 12:30 GMT+2


